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utilise our redundancy
support programme

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"HR GO helped me to avoid long-term unemployment and enabled me to successfully apply for a new role almost immediately"

Tony, Candidate

Redundancy Support Programme

Inevitably there will be businesses who are faced with the difficult task of making some of their staff redundant. This can be a distressing time for all parties, but most particularly people who may not have been active on the job market recently.

To assist in this process HR GO Recruitment can provide practical support for individuals facing redundancy. The programme is created bespoke to your requirements and can be delivered online as a live webinar for groups, with 1-1 sessions for individuals.

Content can be tailored to be suited for different levels within your organisation:

• Manual worker / basic level office staff
• Middle Management
• Senior Management
• Director Level

Subjects covered include:

• Researching the job market, use of job boards and direct applying
• Engaging with recruiters in your sector
• Using networking and social media
• Perfecting your CV, personal profile and cover letters
• Building confidence