Salut! Numele meu este Vlad Alexandru Nitoiu si lucrez la HRGO Driving din Aprilie, anul trecut. Devenim, rapid, cel mai mare furnizor de soferi pentru Industria Transportului si Distributiei si suntem in crestere constanta. Cautam sa recrutam soferi profesionisti Class 1 (LGV C+E) si Class 2 (LGV C) pentru clientii nostrii cu baza in UK. Nu ezitati sa ma sunati la 01604 239066 si voi fi fericit sa va ajut cu orice informatii veti avea nevoie!
Translated into English:
Hello, my name is Vlad Alexandru Nitoiu and I have been with HRGO Driving since April last year. We are quickly becoming the biggest supplier of drivers into the Transport and Distribution Industry and are constantly growing. We are looking to recruit reliable Class 1 (LGV C+E) and Class 2 (LGV C) for our clients based in the UK. Feel free to give me a call on 01604 239066 and I will be happy to help with what information you may require!